When lifting objects, back injuries can be avoided if you: Keep a wide base of support. Spread your feet apart with one foot slightly ahead of the other to make yourself more stable. Keep the object close to you. The
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Get Ready for Summer
Get Ready for Summer: Physical Therapy for Common Injuries Do you have an old injury that left you inactive and in pain over the winter? Have you just learned to work around it and tough it out? You deserve to
Is Using Your Cell Phone a Pain?
Have you noticed more pain in your shoulders lately? It could be a direct result of new technology. Hunching over your cell phone to type out a quick text message can cause
Reduce Your Risk of Falling
Falls are a common occurrence in adults 70 years and older. Studies have shown that three in ten senior citizens fall each year. Many of those can suffer major injuries such as a broken hips or head wounds. It is
Prolonged Sitting
For most, sitting from 9-5 is a job requirement, not a luxury. Unfortunately studies have shown that prolonged sitting could be wreaking havoc on your body physically and mentally. According to studies extended periods of sitting can be deadly. Let’s