Latest News and Events

Would you eat the pizza?

Posted in: Latest News and Events

Two things… First, we’ve added another professional to the Dutch PT Health Management team, Erin King, Registered Dietitian. You’ll find out more about her in the next post. Second, “would you eat the pizza?” Our new team member Erin came

Recipe – Zucchini Lasagna

Posted in: Latest News and Events

I love lasagna. Unfortunately, traditional lasagna isn’t necessarily the most health conscious of entrees. The good news is, with a few modifications, it can be. This recipe is tasty and calorie conscious. If you are looking for a good swap

Making Resolutions Stick

Posted in: Latest News and Events

It’s that time of year again…RESOLUTION TIME! Yikes! We’ve all been there. We declare our resolutions at the beginning of the year with the best intentions, often times only to fall flat on our faces in a few short weeks.

12 Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

Posted in: Latest News and Events

Cookies, pies and sweet treats in general are abundant this time of year. We could probably walk into just about any workplace breakroom to find a table full of goodies to indulge our sweet cravings. Not to mention that friend,