Tracking Food Intake

Life is busy between work, family, and personal life.  Meal planning is often at the bottom of the list for many people, especially with convince (often not too healthy) foods around every img_2687corner.

Keeping track of what you’re putting in our body can help to make healthier choices.  The number one thing I tell my clients is to keep a food diary.  It doesn’t have to be every day, but most days is beneficial; and get in at least one weekend day.  Tracking provides self-accountability – it shows where we overindulge and nutrients we may be lacking in.  It can show extra calories you might not know of, especially in liquid form.

Taking the time to track your food intake daily can sound like a tedious task, but there are several free smart phone apps or resources such as the MyPlate SuperTracker available that are quick and convenient.  It can be fun too, becoming a puzzle of sorts or a game to complete.  Most apps even calculate macro and micro-nutrients and show a final breakdown at the end of the day.  Having a visual of your intake helps you to stay on your overall calorie and nutrient goal.  You could probably dedicate a fifth of the time you’re on social media to completing your food diary and have time to spareJ.

To schedule a FREE consultation with Registered Dietitian Erin King, Click Here!

30% OFF all nutritional services at Dutch Physical Therapy Health Management for a limited time. 

Erin King, RD, LDN